The King's Fund Annual Conference
The Kings Fund is an independent charity, working with the aim to improve overall health and care in England. The King’s Fund was established in 1897 as an initiative of the then Prince of Wales to raise money for London’s voluntary hospitals, which historically were the only way for the poor to receive medical treatment.
Today, the mission to improve overall healthcare remains as strong as ever, and the King’s Fund works hard to exercise influence at all levels, from national policy makers to frontline staff delivering care in hospitals and in the community. They believe the best possible health and care should be available to all.
What Did We Do?
For this year’s event, Conference Craft was delighted to supply a selection of our PA speakers, distributed throughout the space to ensure the best travel and amplification of sound, as well as a short throw projector to provide quality imagery on the 12 foot screen. We also provided 65 relay screens set up around the room for the final, polished effect.
The annual conference ran effectively and smoothly, and as The Kings Fund provides such an exceptional service to those who dearly need them, Conference Craft is proud to have been able to provide our services. We look forward to further opportunities to work with The Kings Fund again on their future events.