3 Tips to Create the Perfect Event Invitation
Every event needs attendees, so the event invitation is the key to get right. Read our 3 top tips to creating the perfect event invite!
1. Mode of communication
There are so many ways to communicate these days, it can be difficult to know which method will be the most successful. Event invites can be sent through social media, emails, instant messenger or even good old fashioned paper invites! The success of each method is really dependent on the nature of your event. Be sure that the mode of communication matches your event. For example, if you are running an event around the use of technology in the modern world a paper invite would not be appropriate. For a business conference such as this, social media (e.g. LinkedIn) or emails may be more sufficient. Stick with one method so that responses are easy to track!
2. Call to action
You must request confirmation! As mentioned, you want to be able to track which guests are attending, as this makes the whole event planning process 10x easier! Ask recipients to confirm their attendance by either registering, sending an RSVP or buying a ticket. It is worthwhile adding a button to the bottom of email invites that links through to your website.
3. Make it clear
Keep your invite clear and concise. Keep the tone of the invite friendly and enticing. State the purpose of your event, what are you celebrating/talking about? Why should the recipient attend the event, are they a valued friend/family member, or an influencer within your industry? Finally, the all-important time and location MUST be clearly stated on the invite.
As event industry professionals, we have mastered the art of event invites, no matter what the occasion. If you would like to find out more about our event services, give us a call on 01753 689999.