Each year, the WWF works with partners who help to spread the message about the importance of looking after our environment. In order to grow awareness and inspire action, the WWF devised the ‘Earth Hour’ event, where participants turn off all non-essential lights for 60 minutes in solidarity with the planet.
The London Heathrow Marriott Hotel joined this year’s 2019 Earth Hour and the results were astonishing. The hotel ‘got its glow on’ and hosted a stunning candlelit dinner high above the lobby. Amidst the sea of glowing candles, visitors and guests ate, drank and danced whilst raising awareness of the effects of climate change.
At Conference Craft, we have strong views on how we manage the environment and its precious resources. We pride ourselves on always endeavouring to use energy-saving equipment and adopting the most environmentally friendly practices for our events. Due to this, ‘Earth Hour’s’ message is a prominent one for us, and we were delighted to be able to provide our services for the event.
We supplied the projection apparatus for the ‘Earth Hour’ symbology, which illuminated the ceiling high above the guests whilst they danced. We also provided audio equipment for the event, allowing the passionate speakers to drive home the message that we are all accountable for the world’s continued health. It was a privilege to be a part of such a worthy cause and hopefully 2020’s Earth Hour will have even more participants!